John Birmingham
John Birmingham

John Birmingham’s books include the cult memoir He Died with a Felafel in His HandLeviathan: The Unauthorised Biography of Sydney and the fiction series Weapons of Choice. He is the author of two Quarterly Essays, Appeasing Jakarta – Australia’s Complicity in the East Timor Tragedy and A Time for War – Australia as a Military Power. He is a regular contributor to the Monthly.

By the author

Quarterly Essay 20: A Time for War
Australia as a military power

In A Time for War: Australia as a Military Power, John Birmingham ponders the Australian way of war. Australian defence policy has become more assertive and our armed forces are being radically restructured and hardened. Australia now has the capacity, and even the will, to act as a military power in its region.

Quarterly Essay 2: Appeasing Jakarta
Australia's complicity in the East Timor tragedy

In Appeasing Jakarta, John Birmingham takes apart the folly of twenty-five years of Australian policy on East Timor.