Guy Rundle is the author of the Quarterly Essay, The Opportunist – John Howard and the Triumph of Reaction. He as a co-founding editor of Arena, a magazine of political and social comment. Formerly a theatre critic for the Age, he has written and produced a number of TV programs and stage shows, and contributes regularly to the Age, the Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald and Spiked, and is currently a Crikey’s global correspondent-at-large.


Guy Rundle comes to grips with John Howard, the prime minister who, on the eve of an election, turned round his political fortunes by spurning refugees and writing blank cheques for America's War on Terror.
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A portrait of a political opportunist who is also ... a sincere reactionary: putting back the clock because he believes in it, but also fanning the whirlwind of unreason in order to save his political skin.

Peter Craven

There is no doubt that Howard is one of the finest practioners of the art of politics we've seen. It is refreshing to see someone of Rundle's perspicacity acknowledging this while at the same time lementing these skills are employed with a ruthlessness that in the end helps to destroy the very values they paradoxically believe they serve.

Paul Bongiorno

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